Saturday, December 04, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 8:42 pm 0 comments
saigo no kisu wa (the last kiss)
tabako no flavor ga shita (tasted like tobacco)
nigakute setsunai kaori (a bitter and sad smell)

ashita no imagoro ni wa (tomorrow, at this time)
anata wa doko ni iru n' darou (where will you be?)
dare wo omotte 'ru n' darou (who will you be thinking about?)

you are always gonna be my love
itsu ka dare ka to mata koi ni ochite mo (even if i fall in love with someone once again)
i'll remember to love
you taught me how
you are always gonna be the one
ima wa mada kanashii love song (it's still a sad song)
atarashii uta utaeru made (until i can sing a new song)

tachidomaru jikan ga (the paused time is)
ugoki-dasou to shite 'ru (about to start moving)
wasuretaku nai koto bakari (there's many things that i don't want to forget about)

ashita no imagoro ni wa (tomorrow, at this time)
watashi wa kitto naite 'ru (i will probably be crying)
anata wo omotte 'ru n' darou (i will probably be thinking about you)

you will always be inside my heart
itsu mo anata dake no basho ga aru kara (you will always have your own place)
i hope that i have a place in your heart too
now and forever you are still the one
ima wa mada kanashii love song (it's still a sad song)
atarashii uta utaeru made (until i can sing a new song)

you are always gonna be my love
itsu ka dare ka to mata koi ni ochite mo (even if i fall in love with someone once again)
i'll remember to love
you taught me how
you are always gonna be the one
mada kanashii love song (it's still a sad song)
now and forever..

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 8:17 pm 0 comments
i dream of this wedding ring....

Posted by Unknown at 7:48 pm 0 comments
Hmm....bahagia hari ini, ketemu my love hehehe...actually we're going to celebrate his birthday but confuse how to spend it, terlalu kangen buat mikirin ngerayain ultah dimana....
SHORT TALK : (by phone)
uik : mas naek pesawat yg jam berapa?
mas : jam 6 pagi
uik : HAH!! pagi bener...waduh gak bisa jemput neh mas, tes BNI nya jam 8 sampe jam 10, mas lgsg ke tempat biasa aja yah! gpp kan, ntar abis tes aku ke kantor bentar biar org kantor ga curiga trus baru nyamperin mas..yah..jam 1 an lah, okay?
mas : iya deh...jangan lama2 yah! dah kangen..
uik : me too honey, wait for me..mas baik2 yah disana.... imagination....

Friday, September 24, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 5:27 pm 0 comments
too tired to update my blog....phiew....

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 6:33 pm 0 comments

Happy b'day to me..happy b'day to me..happy b'day..happy b'day..happy b'day to me.....hehehehe it's quarter of century already
Wish upon a star...May Allah bless me in every step i take and decission i make right now and next year forward....amin

Here some b'day wishes from my beloved parents, boyfriend, friends and relatives...
Met Ultah Yo! Smoga tambah sgalanya…Good Luck!
(hei…still remember my birthday? Thanks…)

Lek Lut

Mat Ultah smg pjg umur, mrh rizki,kalau dia pilihan Allah untukmu moga manfaat dunia akhirat…amin
(amin…makasih lek lut mohon do'a+restunya)

around 04:00:00
"Mas" (by phone)
Happy birthday....bla bla bla (censored hehehe)

Ade'…I Love u!
(Love u too honey…hug and kiss)

around 04:30:00
Mom (on my bed)
Selamat Ulang tahun mmuuah..muaah...birthday kiss
(thanks mom...i owe u a lot and i can't pay it back, u r my everything)

HAPPY B'DAY ya ci, semoga panjang umur, slalu dlm lindungan ALLAH,sukses selalu n cepet married :…AMIN, eh traktirannya kapan neng? He..he
(Married? Hmm…udah waktunya yah? thanks anyway...kmu juga kapan merit nya? hihihi)

Selamat Pagi, akhirnya datang jga pagi ini, genap 25th, Happy B'day ya!
(Thanks! It's nice to have such a great friend like wishes for you always, eh thanks for birthday cake yah...even it's too early- she gave me birthday cake one day before the D day- )

Slmt ulang tahun kami ucapkan, slmt pjng umur kt kan doakan, slmt sjtr sht sentosa, slmt pjng umur dan bahagia
(sambil nyanyi Yah? Padahal Ayah di kamar sebelah kok ya ngirim sms hehehe…)

Huayo yg lagi ultah…wik senengnya..Happy birthday ya mbak uik.semoga tbh dewasa.tbh cakep.tbh sayang ma ortu ma mas.smoga all u wish 4 may come true.slm dr adek
(tengkyu jeng….thanks for being my very great friend, slam balik buat adek yah, thanks)

Oomori san (by email)
Dear SUCI. Tanjyoubi Omedetou. Ima JAPAN desu. Tangar 17 Kunbari. Mata Renrakusimasu
(thanks Boss-actually he's my ex Boss, japanesse with indonesian heart- thanks for remember my b'day, bahasa indonesia nya masih kacau....Benkyoushimasyo! kalau balik ke indonesia jangan lupa omiyage hehehe)


Happy B'day mbak Suci..! smg panjang umur, sehat selalu, tercapai cita n cintanya, + ayu, murah rjki n yg paling penting aku kbagian rjknya he..selamat ya :
(Amin…makasih Yung! Masih inget ultahku…you such a nice friend too…)

Happy b'day 2 u, Happy b'day 2 u, happy b'day dear Suci..Happy b'day 2 u..:D may ur life fill w/ joy n happiness :) -hug hug-
(hip hip hurray…thanks hun…long time not see but u still remember my birthday…a bucket of hug I'll sent to you)

Epi betde tu yu…3x. moga cepet dpt apa yg dihrp&cita2kan, pjg umur ya..
(kok jadi cedal Len? Hehe..thanks jeng…amin…)

Lek Piping
Met Ultah semoga panjang umur cehat2 sll serta rukun2 ama mas Adi
(Amin..makasih Lek piping..mohon doa+restunya)

Hendro you..slmat ultah,moga harapan n impian kan slalu t'wujud, moga rahmat hidayah inayahNya slalu b'samamu amien..
(makasih banget..doanya lengkap eui kyk da'i hehehe…berlaku juga buat kamu kok..)

around 10:30:00
Fian a.k.a Endok (by phone)
Hallo..uik? happy b'day yah....
(makasih Ndok....long time not see right? miss u, miss ur cheek, miss to punch it..hiiii...gemessss!)

around 17:00:00
Bro! (by YM)
Happy birthday dear sister....
(thanks bro! he write "adikku yang cantique ultah hari ini" as his status)

around 17:15:00
Dito (by YM)
Happy b'day....
(thanks....hope u just fine)

around 17:17:00
Yanuar (by YM)
Selamat Ultah yg ke 25 bla bla bla
(sorry lupa kmu tadi ngomong apa, anyway thanks for remember my b'day, best wishes for you too)

Dhenok (by phone)

Happy Birthday ik....semoga tercapai keinginanmu...semoga ndang budhal....
(sorry that's what i hear...suaranya putus2 seh...sinyal disini jelek yak...btw thanks a lot, u such a great friend too dear....karepku yo ndang budhal tapi piye carane budhal? numpak opo? hehehe)

Uik cuma bisa bilang MAKASIH buat semua birthday wishes nya....wishes nya berlaku juga buat kalian wishes from me, thanks for accompany me through this UPs and DOWN of my life...

Monday, August 09, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 6:16 pm 0 comments
Hello again, fellows! Dah lama banget gak blogging oi…
Uik abis atit neh, gila man! Seminggu check in di Lavalette…kata dokter seh asam lambung naik gara2 telat makan plus stress, biasalah penyakitnya orang sibuk hehe (ato sok sibuk?!). Gilanya lagi baru sehari ngamar eh my lovely mobile phone DIAMBIL ORANG alias DICURI!!!! NJIRRR!!!!! udah sakit hape ilang pula! huh! gimana ga bete banget, padahal di rumah sakit gitu loh...Yah...tapi untung deh malingnya ga nyekik padahal waktu itu aku sadar dan sempet nguber plus tereak2 plus nenteng infus! kebayang ga seh...semoga tidak terjadi pada kalian....
Well....just to inform you about my condition..Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah the Great. thanks buat support dan doa from all of my friends and relatives, suci sekarang gemuk lagi hehehe...last but not least thanks banget buat my MAN (i call him "Mas") atas kesabaran, pengertian dan kasih sayangnya (Love you more...)
Sehat itu karunia yang amat indah, karena itu JAGALAH!!!

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 9:54 pm 0 comments
Phew....i'm so tired today, ga tau kenapa ya...capek badan, capek pikiran...KRAM OTAK!!!! yang kena imbas malah my Man, i'm so sorry hun...don't mean to disappoint you like this, MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!

Hei, my Boss already gave me sallary, my first sallary in my new office...lumayan buat idup di Malang, yang pasti gak perlu bayar uit kost hikikikik abis masih numpang seh ma ortu...

July....Sapa aja yah yang ultah??
# Fian a.k.a Endok (July 15) -- Kenapa "endok"? soalnya badan dia bulet kayak telur hehehe tapi dia temen yang asik, baek hati, ramah tamah, dan tidak sombong. Hei you will 25!! quarter of century!! dah tua Ndok!! kelarin tuh kuliah !! hikikikikikik
# Fikar (July 19) -- My eeny meeny tiny winy cutie nephew, Setahun loh!!!
# Dad (July 21)

Yang laen? ada beberapa seh tapi lupa, sorry!! ntar deh klo dah inget, okay?

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 10:24 am 0 comments
Some hair tau tiba tiba pengen ganti penampilan so here i am with my new hair style...kata temen2 seh lebih girly look means new view of life, hopefully...

have i told u about my nephew yet? here are two cute picture of you so much!

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 10:32 pm 0 comments
Lama gak blogging....benernya banyak seh yang pengen ditulis disini.....barusan dapat berita dr temen kerja di kantor yg dulu....i think it's all mess up with the system there...makin kacau...poor you guys, i wish u got new better job a.s.a.p
Malang rameeeeeeee banget....dari mulai kampanye capres/cawapres, Tour Harley davidson (they were so cool), campus expo, cafe2 rame, tempat nongkrong penuh.....too busy too enjoy it, i hope this weekend i can spend it happily
SURPRISE ENOUGH..ternyata di malang banyak juga blogger2, ato aku yg kuper yah.....maybe it nice if we gathering sometime...jadi pengen kumpul2 ama mereka, but how???
What i HAVE TO DO this week :
FINISHED my Proposal.....that's it!!
Well enough for today, binun mo ngomong apa lagi.....bubbyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Friday, June 04, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 5:57 pm 0 comments
4 days in my new office...let say some kind of confuse cause i have to start it from null, everything is totally new and different from the past but it's quite interesting, harus sabar kali yeeeeeeee......
Besok ada acara makan2 neh kayaknya, one of my coworker want to treat welcome party (i think hihihi)..well i hope it's gonna be a great lunch...
Hei i don't telling you about my nephew yet, right? his name is M. Zulfikar Laksamala Raya we called him "Fikar", "Endut", "Fikar Louhan", "Gembrot" and so on....uuhhhh...he's so cute...the most cute lil baby boy i ever met. Have 13 kg of weight in he's age (10 months) doesn't mean that he gain overweight? but he still cutie and cutie and cutie...oh my cutie pie....anyway he and his Bunda and Ayah spend holiday here in malang for 4 days....well i'd like to spend much time for him and my mom too (Fikar called me 'auntie' and called my mom 'utie') nice...well i gtg Fikar waitin' for me at home....

Monday, May 31, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 1:16 pm 0 comments
Hari terakhir jadi pengangguran....start in 1st june i'll work in new office...seminggu full libur! ga kerja! rasanya wuih....seneng bener.....lumayan lah buat refreshing, tapi besok dah mulai kerja lagi deh....rutinitas from 8 to 5....yah semoga lancar aja deh....
Eh bad and good news about JAMSOSTEK. Bad news nya JAMSOSTEK gak bisa diambil sebelum 5 TAON keanggotaan!!! good news nya tuh duit ga bakal ilang tp tetep disimpen jd semacam tabungan geto.....HAH?? harus nunggu 5 taon?? sabar..sabar...sabar...
SKRIPSI. become scary word for me...gimana enggak? bahan belom siap eh dah disuruh ngajuin proposal judul...hhh....we'll see deh....wish me luck, k?

well enough for today...i have to find new shoes for tomorrow's 1st day workin'...believe it or not i don't have any 'girly shoes' hehehe..for those who knew me u must be smile after u read this! Tomorrow i'll be a WOMAN...puas???

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 4:11 am 0 comments
Maybe it will take sooo looonnggg i can`t tinkering with my blog...hmm....i will go to internet cafe sometime just in my spare time ofcourse, i bet it will be my very busy day in this whole month (or year maybe...)
Posted by Unknown at 4:04 am 0 comments

Finally....Today i take my last picture with my co-workers.....
What I should do for next one week are :
# Prepare my stuff and going back to my hometown
# Ngurus JAMSOSTEK...gak ngira dpt segitu, mayan byk seh...lumayan lah buat tambahan
# Bikin Proposal Judul for my last Final Project
# Nyelesaiin urusan administrasi both at old office and the new one
# Last but not least..having fun with my Man offcourse (",)

Should i be happy or sad? Happy karena bisa bebas dari "ROMUSHA" and back to my Hometown, Sad because i have to leave my beloved friend and Co-Workers.....

"I Feared Success Until I Realized That I Had To Try In Order To Be Happy With Myself"

p.s : Jangan biarkan api itu padam....Bye All....

Friday, May 21, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 12:42 am 0 comments

Today is my last day workin` in this Japanesse Comp. Well, my Bos gave me a cute `red stone` ring (i really keen on this ring), a wonderful book (all about japanesse house), sha-pu pensiru (benkyoshimasu!)....he`s such a nice guy i think....hmm....i have to prepare some `sayonara` word this least i have one week holiday until the day when i get in the new office next first of June......KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK YOU ALL!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 12:24 am
Well... everything`s gonna be alright....
May 18, 2004 i decide to get resign from my office.....Banyak alasan yang membuatku mengambil keputusan ini dan semoga apa yang aku lakukan tepat.
Confuse? Hmm....actually i like this kind of job....tinkering with computer, home design, japanesse thing...but i think the wrong one is about the MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, so what can i do? i just an employee....yah gitulah kalo kerja ikut jepang ROMUSHA..ROMUSHA...dan ROMUSHA....hhhh.....tsukareta. Mungkin hal yang paling berat ninggalin tempat ini adalah my workin` pals, mereka asik ya meski gak semua seh tapi bisa ditolerir lah. It`s hard to say but sorry guys i have to go...thanks for everything we do in this whole 2 and half years...hey it`s not the end of the day right? we still can meet each other sometime.....Gambatte kudasai!!

BACK to my hometown, get the new job there and finish my Final project A.S.A.P .....sounds so nice...hopefully it`s not just the sound but the reality. MALANG Akuu puullaaangggg....................

i dedicate this to :
Oomori San, P`Ram, M`ana, Feris
Ippan Team (Tensan incld TOA) : Marika, Yani, Maxy, Andi, Rika_chan, Wien, Rida, Untung, Ipul, Mumud, Sukron, Checa, Cemil, Uni, Maria, Neny, Sensei, Alchis, Trias, Syarif, Kuncup, HNK, Nanda, Myke, Enny, Susan, Farida, Danial, Ari, Sidik, Untari, Wulan, Agus, Joni, Wiwin,`s nice to work with you all guys...
Panel Team
Sumitomo kozou
Mitsui Team
Otsukare samadeshita.....Arigato gozaimasu.....Sayonara......







Monday, May 17, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 9:49 pm
It`s been soooo loong i didn`t write any stories in my blog...Benernya banyak banget yang mau aku ceritain dari mulai long holiday dari tanggal 1 sampe 4 Mei kemaren sampe cerita about ME and My fellows in this whole April and May..hhhh...binun harus mulai dari mana...mungkin another if i have more spare time to write...yang jelas akhir2 bulan ini sibuuukkkk banget...that`s all (ps : i can`t use Internet at my office now, damn!)

Friday, April 30, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 2:39 pm 1 comments

Foto sejenak ama temen2 kantor, ada jepang dudul juga tuh tiduran di bawah....
Me? the one in the white circle.....hmmm....sometime i miss my old office...

Urayamashii desu ne....

Friday, April 23, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 11:40 pm 0 comments

Why AREMANITA? (AREMANIA cewek-red).....all because i live, grow, and breath in Malang. We have The Best Supporter in this country and i proud to be one of them. Do I like football? i don`t think so, sometimes i still confuse bout the rules and the player but the most important thing is I LIKE being AREMANITA.....that`s comment!

Posted by Unknown at 10:08 pm 0 comments
My Little lovely peaceful Hometown


Ketinggian : 399 - 662,5 m. dpl.
Koordinat : 112,34'09" - 11,41'34" BT
7,54'52", 22 - 8,03'05", 11 LS
Kelembaban : Sejuk, kering ; 72 %
Suhu : 23 - 25 derajat Celcius
Curah Hujan : 1.833 mm per tahun
Batas Wilayah
Utara : Kabupaten Pasuruan
Timur : Kabupaten Lumajang
Selatan : Kabupaten Malang
Barat : Kota Batu

MALANG ailafyuuhhhhhhhhhhh.....................!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 9:46 pm 0 comments

1 Message received

"Dek lg ngapain neh, trnyt aq brgktnya ke makasar sekarang, ada perubahan jadwal"
Sender : +6281599xxxxx

comment : Very high mobility of life....some people could do it but some couldn`t. How does it feels? easy come...easy go...hhhh.....


1 Message received

"Wah kayaknya ga bisa malam ini, jadi besok pagi"
Sender : +6281599xxxxx

comment : See? what i told you!
--end of conversation--

Sore tadi dengerin HARDROCK FM- Drive and Jive ternyata ngomongin masalah weblog, dan sepertinya komunitas blogger di indonesia bakal menjamur...yeah paling enggak komunitas para blogger nggak cuma ada di kota2 tertentu ajah tapi tersebar di seluruh Indonesia (i hope)...hopefully...

Posted by Unknown at 4:57 am 0 comments

Try to load some fav pics....

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 12:41 am 0 comments
Nyoba pake Wbloggar ternyata enak juga yah, di jaman yg serba instant bikin weblog pun instant juga! mayan lah buat newbie like me....thanks to vivin who teach me this new `game`....
Hang out with Vivin for 2 days, like usually we share and share and share about life and love....almost quarter of a century but i think i don`t get anything yet, have to learn from another, make some experience, try to solve my own problem....seperti kata iklan "TUA itu pasti, tapi DEWASA itu pilihan" setujuuuuu banggettttt.......

"I Feared Life Until I Experienced it`s Beauty" jumat kemaren dapat panggilan lagi dr indosat, well...antara percaya ga percaya gitu deh (kyk reality show ajah)

*private number* on my mobile (where`s the love-BEP ringtone)
someone : "Selamat siang...dengan Suci?"
me : "ya betul, dari mana?"
someone : "Indosat Mega Media, hari jumat tgl 16 besok ada interview jam 08:00 di kantor Indosat jalan kayun lt. 4"
me : " saya bicara dengan ibu siapa?"
someone " Rini"
me : " Ok, terima kasih Ibu Rini"

Friday 16 april 2004 07:00 sharp arrived at Indosat`s office
08:15 Receptionist said "Silahkan ke lantai 3"
08:17 Meeting Room at 3rd floor
Ibu Rini (yg ternyata HRD dr Indosat-jkt) give us some explanation, she told us that she need 2 person for ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE position. Job description for Account executive are...bla...bla...bla
HAH??? account executive is similar with marketing??`s so not ME!!! but at least i have to try the interview
08:30 "Suci, silahkan ke lantai 4 bertemu dengan Bpk. Cahyo"
08:35 ...........
08:40 ...........
08:45 ...........
09:00 "I`ll call you next week for the result" Mrs (or Ms?) Rini said to me.....well such a nice person, that what HRD staff should behave, i give her my thumb, both thumbs

waiting and waiting......God....when do i get another job? please.....give me ONE BETTER JOB.....

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 12:31 am 0 comments
Yay....have a new nick name SUCI cute....Asbjorn-the norwegian guy i told before- give me that name, don`t know where he gets from maybe it just easy to say like tiny winy, tutty fruty, hunny bunny...hmmm...just enjoy your very long holiday bro! hope u like indonesia. Asbjorn and Vivin go to Jogja while i`m here in my damn office...hiks...hiks...yeah u right bro, i sit here in my office and sad cause i don`t join u both go to Jogja (i miss jogja so much)
Well there`s still another time to have some vacation patient please...

Saturday, April 03, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 3:40 am 0 comments
Today`s report : Accompany Vivin meet her `elskling` (vivin`s word and i`m not really sure what does it mean)... he`s nice, talkative, funny norwegian guy.
Arrived at the airport at 9:30 am
Looking for the International Arrival`s totally crowded there...looks like a bus terminal not an airport
We go to the Hotel
Have a!
I like for being a guide in one day (or maybe just a half day) hihihihi....not a good one but i wish sometime i `ll be a good guide

Honestly i can feel it Vin... i can feel what your problem with `M*M` and `D*D`. If i were you maybe i do the same. Sometime it needs to show them that we are really a WOMAN not a GIRL anymore. As long as we know what we should and should not do, it`s not a big deal right? The main case is how to make them BELIEVE us, the way to put a TRUST on us..yeah it`s even more difficult than many final project we ever did...just keep fight for your right!! i`ll support you totally!! My mom also!! (if it helps) ;)

I Feared Rejection Until I Learned To Have Faith In Myself

1-4 of May i`m gonnal have a looong weekend....wondering which places i have to visit to spend that still April anyway...yeah save your money so you can decided which place you will go, uik! alright...alright i know it!

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 1:04 pm 6 comments
Listening to DJ FM while my spare time in the middle of "busy day".... the DJ said "Which part of you that you proud of" ..kinda difficult quote isn`t it? what part of me? hmmm..let me is : not sexy but proportional, not clever but smart, not rich but can enjoy anything, not beautiful but pretty, chubby cheek? yeah i like being MYSELF whoever i `bout your`s?


Thursday, March 11, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 8:05 pm 0 comments
Today`s weather : Rainy...hard rain...
just like what i feel...i`m so blue...deep blue...wondering of God playing, bisa apa2 selain berdoa dan berdoa...wishing for the best for my future that`s all!
aku sendiri juga ga tau apa yang menuhin OTAK ini `til the tears drop by...hey suci` nangis? gpp kan? wajar kan? emg knp klo suci` nangis? it`s not the end of the world anyway...maybe i have to learn more how to be a wise human


Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 2:58 am 0 comments
Surabaya...Malang...Jakarta...Bandung...Jogja...Solo...Malang..back to Surabaya again....IN JUST 3 DAYS!!!
What a great health i ever had....tapi sumpah baru sekarang kerasa capeknya....

Sometimes i just wondering what kind of life that some busy people get with that life style, mobile life, side maybe it seems fun `cause u can go around the world or even around the universe but on the other side can u imagine how`s the family they leaved? how if the son didn`t recognize his Mom/Dad? how`s their future? it might be just an `ignored` problem but i think it`ll become a serious one....yeah it`s just my opinion anyway...

March 2, 2004
12:01:37 am

Father sent me a message :
Uik, Indosat just called and ask you to do the medical check at ***** Jl. Dharmawangsa tomorrow 07:00 in the morning, just prepare for it will ya!

what is it? should i happy? i don`t know...i just don`t know...just let it flow like a river..GOD give me a CLUE, please.....

Friday, February 27, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 1:18 am 0 comments
Operator : Indosat Selamat Sore
Me : Sore...Pak mau tanya hasil tes interview kemarin
Operator : atas nama sapa mbak?
Me : Suci
Operator : Hmmm....nggak ada tuh
Me : Ooo...nggak ada yah...makasih pak..sore...

feels like an a** comment...just lay my body on the bed...fiuh....S**T!! my name is not in the list!!
Positive side : Ada `sesuatu` yang direncanakan oleh-Nya dan aku yakin pasti yang terbaik buatku
but still there`s an `aargghhh` deep inside...WHY ME??? OUGH! cry? nope...i won`t....take a deep breath...release...Ambil hikmahnya (like my mom said to me) ok... i will, mom!
Buat Sinyo : Keep goin, gal! u did it! just one step again and the world will smile to you...
Buat Dhenok : he he he we`ll fighting again yah! dun worry babez...everything`s gonna be allright! There must be `something` hidden and what we have do is seek and find out what it is, k? cheers
hhhh...ready to find another opportunity or what? tomorrow i`ll start it! wish me luck! Will ya!

I feared failure until i realized that i only fail when i don`t try

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 1:21 am 0 comments
"Well..Tell me about yourself, please..." kalimat pertama yg lumayan bikin deg2 an, gimana ga deg2 an dah lamaaaa banget ga ngobrol in english...makes me nerve u know! interview with the `HRD` vampire...believe it or not, he jokes me for the whole 30 minutes conversation, should i happy, sad or what??
yeah..3rd recruitment test of P.T Indosat- sby (i give all of my hope for this)...liat ntar jam 10 pengumumannya...semoga aja dah!
Kadang menjadi orang yang idealis itu perlu banget! i used to have some purpose to make my life go-go in this 2004, one of my resolution is find a better job with better sallary and `click` with my educational background..well...sounds so idealism right? tapi aku pikir sah2 aja kok masing2 orang punya kemauan dan harapan asal dia bisa mempertanggungjawabkan dan ada usaha untuk mencapainya
yeah...for the better future,deal?
btw wanna change my template with some cute tartan style...need more guidance....H E L P ! ! !

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 9:38 pm 0 comments
Hhhh....lot of work to do tonight and it`s rainy out there..totally hard rain i think, sepertinya orang-orang tidak rela mendengar keinginanku untuk tidur bersama bantal, guling dan selimut kesayangan diatas tempat tidurku yang empuk, huh! jadinya..yah...banyak banget kerjaan yak! okay let`s start it now...

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 7:19 pm 0 comments's looong time not crumble with my blog! almost a year! holy cow@$!?? wazz up with me, anyway??? saya berjanji
1. will go seriously with anything from now on!
2. Kalo enggak dilakuin liat janji point 1!!
Wahai sahabat2 ku ingetin dong.....i intent to fix anything to do with me better and better, GOD help me please....

Abis hair spa rasanya enteng banget, i think i will do it routinely...
btw thanks to Vivin for teaching me for this new stuff..thanks a lot Vin!! u r my best!! hei..i mean it!!

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