Saturday, May 22, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 4:04 am

Finally....Today i take my last picture with my co-workers.....
What I should do for next one week are :
# Prepare my stuff and going back to my hometown
# Ngurus JAMSOSTEK...gak ngira dpt segitu, mayan byk seh...lumayan lah buat tambahan
# Bikin Proposal Judul for my last Final Project
# Nyelesaiin urusan administrasi both at old office and the new one
# Last but not least..having fun with my Man offcourse (",)

Should i be happy or sad? Happy karena bisa bebas dari "ROMUSHA" and back to my Hometown, Sad because i have to leave my beloved friend and Co-Workers.....

"I Feared Success Until I Realized That I Had To Try In Order To Be Happy With Myself"

p.s : Jangan biarkan api itu padam....Bye All....

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