Friday, February 27, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 1:18 am
Operator : Indosat Selamat Sore
Me : Sore...Pak mau tanya hasil tes interview kemarin
Operator : atas nama sapa mbak?
Me : Suci
Operator : Hmmm....nggak ada tuh
Me : Ooo...nggak ada yah...makasih pak..sore...

feels like an a** comment...just lay my body on the bed...fiuh....S**T!! my name is not in the list!!
Positive side : Ada `sesuatu` yang direncanakan oleh-Nya dan aku yakin pasti yang terbaik buatku
but still there`s an `aargghhh` deep inside...WHY ME??? OUGH! cry? nope...i won`t....take a deep breath...release...Ambil hikmahnya (like my mom said to me) ok... i will, mom!
Buat Sinyo : Keep goin, gal! u did it! just one step again and the world will smile to you...
Buat Dhenok : he he he we`ll fighting again yah! dun worry babez...everything`s gonna be allright! There must be `something` hidden and what we have do is seek and find out what it is, k? cheers
hhhh...ready to find another opportunity or what? tomorrow i`ll start it! wish me luck! Will ya!

I feared failure until i realized that i only fail when i don`t try

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