Friday, February 27, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 1:18 am 0 comments
Operator : Indosat Selamat Sore
Me : Sore...Pak mau tanya hasil tes interview kemarin
Operator : atas nama sapa mbak?
Me : Suci
Operator : Hmmm....nggak ada tuh
Me : Ooo...nggak ada yah...makasih pak..sore...

feels like an a** comment...just lay my body on the bed...fiuh....S**T!! my name is not in the list!!
Positive side : Ada `sesuatu` yang direncanakan oleh-Nya dan aku yakin pasti yang terbaik buatku
but still there`s an `aargghhh` deep inside...WHY ME??? OUGH! cry? nope...i won`t....take a deep breath...release...Ambil hikmahnya (like my mom said to me) ok... i will, mom!
Buat Sinyo : Keep goin, gal! u did it! just one step again and the world will smile to you...
Buat Dhenok : he he he we`ll fighting again yah! dun worry babez...everything`s gonna be allright! There must be `something` hidden and what we have do is seek and find out what it is, k? cheers
hhhh...ready to find another opportunity or what? tomorrow i`ll start it! wish me luck! Will ya!

I feared failure until i realized that i only fail when i don`t try

Thursday, February 26, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 1:21 am 0 comments
"Well..Tell me about yourself, please..." kalimat pertama yg lumayan bikin deg2 an, gimana ga deg2 an dah lamaaaa banget ga ngobrol in english...makes me nerve u know! interview with the `HRD` vampire...believe it or not, he jokes me for the whole 30 minutes conversation, should i happy, sad or what??
yeah..3rd recruitment test of P.T Indosat- sby (i give all of my hope for this)...liat ntar jam 10 pengumumannya...semoga aja dah!
Kadang menjadi orang yang idealis itu perlu banget! i used to have some purpose to make my life go-go in this 2004, one of my resolution is find a better job with better sallary and `click` with my educational background..well...sounds so idealism right? tapi aku pikir sah2 aja kok masing2 orang punya kemauan dan harapan asal dia bisa mempertanggungjawabkan dan ada usaha untuk mencapainya
yeah...for the better future,deal?
btw wanna change my template with some cute tartan style...need more guidance....H E L P ! ! !

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 9:38 pm 0 comments
Hhhh....lot of work to do tonight and it`s rainy out there..totally hard rain i think, sepertinya orang-orang tidak rela mendengar keinginanku untuk tidur bersama bantal, guling dan selimut kesayangan diatas tempat tidurku yang empuk, huh! jadinya..yah...banyak banget kerjaan yak! okay let`s start it now...

Saturday, February 21, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 7:19 pm 0 comments's looong time not crumble with my blog! almost a year! holy cow@$!?? wazz up with me, anyway??? saya berjanji
1. will go seriously with anything from now on!
2. Kalo enggak dilakuin liat janji point 1!!
Wahai sahabat2 ku ingetin dong.....i intent to fix anything to do with me better and better, GOD help me please....

Abis hair spa rasanya enteng banget, i think i will do it routinely...
btw thanks to Vivin for teaching me for this new stuff..thanks a lot Vin!! u r my best!! hei..i mean it!!

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