Thursday, August 12, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 6:33 pm 0 comments

Happy b'day to me..happy b'day to me..happy b'day..happy b'day..happy b'day to me.....hehehehe it's quarter of century already
Wish upon a star...May Allah bless me in every step i take and decission i make right now and next year forward....amin

Here some b'day wishes from my beloved parents, boyfriend, friends and relatives...
Met Ultah Yo! Smoga tambah sgalanya…Good Luck!
(hei…still remember my birthday? Thanks…)

Lek Lut

Mat Ultah smg pjg umur, mrh rizki,kalau dia pilihan Allah untukmu moga manfaat dunia akhirat…amin
(amin…makasih lek lut mohon do'a+restunya)

around 04:00:00
"Mas" (by phone)
Happy birthday....bla bla bla (censored hehehe)

Ade'…I Love u!
(Love u too honey…hug and kiss)

around 04:30:00
Mom (on my bed)
Selamat Ulang tahun mmuuah..muaah...birthday kiss
(thanks mom...i owe u a lot and i can't pay it back, u r my everything)

HAPPY B'DAY ya ci, semoga panjang umur, slalu dlm lindungan ALLAH,sukses selalu n cepet married :…AMIN, eh traktirannya kapan neng? He..he
(Married? Hmm…udah waktunya yah? thanks anyway...kmu juga kapan merit nya? hihihi)

Selamat Pagi, akhirnya datang jga pagi ini, genap 25th, Happy B'day ya!
(Thanks! It's nice to have such a great friend like wishes for you always, eh thanks for birthday cake yah...even it's too early- she gave me birthday cake one day before the D day- )

Slmt ulang tahun kami ucapkan, slmt pjng umur kt kan doakan, slmt sjtr sht sentosa, slmt pjng umur dan bahagia
(sambil nyanyi Yah? Padahal Ayah di kamar sebelah kok ya ngirim sms hehehe…)

Huayo yg lagi ultah…wik senengnya..Happy birthday ya mbak uik.semoga tbh dewasa.tbh cakep.tbh sayang ma ortu ma mas.smoga all u wish 4 may come true.slm dr adek
(tengkyu jeng….thanks for being my very great friend, slam balik buat adek yah, thanks)

Oomori san (by email)
Dear SUCI. Tanjyoubi Omedetou. Ima JAPAN desu. Tangar 17 Kunbari. Mata Renrakusimasu
(thanks Boss-actually he's my ex Boss, japanesse with indonesian heart- thanks for remember my b'day, bahasa indonesia nya masih kacau....Benkyoushimasyo! kalau balik ke indonesia jangan lupa omiyage hehehe)


Happy B'day mbak Suci..! smg panjang umur, sehat selalu, tercapai cita n cintanya, + ayu, murah rjki n yg paling penting aku kbagian rjknya he..selamat ya :
(Amin…makasih Yung! Masih inget ultahku…you such a nice friend too…)

Happy b'day 2 u, Happy b'day 2 u, happy b'day dear Suci..Happy b'day 2 u..:D may ur life fill w/ joy n happiness :) -hug hug-
(hip hip hurray…thanks hun…long time not see but u still remember my birthday…a bucket of hug I'll sent to you)

Epi betde tu yu…3x. moga cepet dpt apa yg dihrp&cita2kan, pjg umur ya..
(kok jadi cedal Len? Hehe..thanks jeng…amin…)

Lek Piping
Met Ultah semoga panjang umur cehat2 sll serta rukun2 ama mas Adi
(Amin..makasih Lek piping..mohon doa+restunya)

Hendro you..slmat ultah,moga harapan n impian kan slalu t'wujud, moga rahmat hidayah inayahNya slalu b'samamu amien..
(makasih banget..doanya lengkap eui kyk da'i hehehe…berlaku juga buat kamu kok..)

around 10:30:00
Fian a.k.a Endok (by phone)
Hallo..uik? happy b'day yah....
(makasih Ndok....long time not see right? miss u, miss ur cheek, miss to punch it..hiiii...gemessss!)

around 17:00:00
Bro! (by YM)
Happy birthday dear sister....
(thanks bro! he write "adikku yang cantique ultah hari ini" as his status)

around 17:15:00
Dito (by YM)
Happy b'day....
(thanks....hope u just fine)

around 17:17:00
Yanuar (by YM)
Selamat Ultah yg ke 25 bla bla bla
(sorry lupa kmu tadi ngomong apa, anyway thanks for remember my b'day, best wishes for you too)

Dhenok (by phone)

Happy Birthday ik....semoga tercapai keinginanmu...semoga ndang budhal....
(sorry that's what i hear...suaranya putus2 seh...sinyal disini jelek yak...btw thanks a lot, u such a great friend too dear....karepku yo ndang budhal tapi piye carane budhal? numpak opo? hehehe)

Uik cuma bisa bilang MAKASIH buat semua birthday wishes nya....wishes nya berlaku juga buat kalian wishes from me, thanks for accompany me through this UPs and DOWN of my life...

Monday, August 09, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 6:16 pm 0 comments
Hello again, fellows! Dah lama banget gak blogging oi…
Uik abis atit neh, gila man! Seminggu check in di Lavalette…kata dokter seh asam lambung naik gara2 telat makan plus stress, biasalah penyakitnya orang sibuk hehe (ato sok sibuk?!). Gilanya lagi baru sehari ngamar eh my lovely mobile phone DIAMBIL ORANG alias DICURI!!!! NJIRRR!!!!! udah sakit hape ilang pula! huh! gimana ga bete banget, padahal di rumah sakit gitu loh...Yah...tapi untung deh malingnya ga nyekik padahal waktu itu aku sadar dan sempet nguber plus tereak2 plus nenteng infus! kebayang ga seh...semoga tidak terjadi pada kalian....
Well....just to inform you about my condition..Alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah the Great. thanks buat support dan doa from all of my friends and relatives, suci sekarang gemuk lagi hehehe...last but not least thanks banget buat my MAN (i call him "Mas") atas kesabaran, pengertian dan kasih sayangnya (Love you more...)
Sehat itu karunia yang amat indah, karena itu JAGALAH!!!

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