Sunday, June 27, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 10:24 am 0 comments
Some hair tau tiba tiba pengen ganti penampilan so here i am with my new hair style...kata temen2 seh lebih girly look means new view of life, hopefully...

have i told u about my nephew yet? here are two cute picture of you so much!

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 10:32 pm 0 comments
Lama gak blogging....benernya banyak seh yang pengen ditulis disini.....barusan dapat berita dr temen kerja di kantor yg dulu....i think it's all mess up with the system there...makin kacau...poor you guys, i wish u got new better job a.s.a.p
Malang rameeeeeeee banget....dari mulai kampanye capres/cawapres, Tour Harley davidson (they were so cool), campus expo, cafe2 rame, tempat nongkrong penuh.....too busy too enjoy it, i hope this weekend i can spend it happily
SURPRISE ENOUGH..ternyata di malang banyak juga blogger2, ato aku yg kuper yah.....maybe it nice if we gathering sometime...jadi pengen kumpul2 ama mereka, but how???
What i HAVE TO DO this week :
FINISHED my Proposal.....that's it!!
Well enough for today, binun mo ngomong apa lagi.....bubbyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Friday, June 04, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 5:57 pm 0 comments
4 days in my new office...let say some kind of confuse cause i have to start it from null, everything is totally new and different from the past but it's quite interesting, harus sabar kali yeeeeeeee......
Besok ada acara makan2 neh kayaknya, one of my coworker want to treat welcome party (i think hihihi)..well i hope it's gonna be a great lunch...
Hei i don't telling you about my nephew yet, right? his name is M. Zulfikar Laksamala Raya we called him "Fikar", "Endut", "Fikar Louhan", "Gembrot" and so on....uuhhhh...he's so cute...the most cute lil baby boy i ever met. Have 13 kg of weight in he's age (10 months) doesn't mean that he gain overweight? but he still cutie and cutie and cutie...oh my cutie pie....anyway he and his Bunda and Ayah spend holiday here in malang for 4 days....well i'd like to spend much time for him and my mom too (Fikar called me 'auntie' and called my mom 'utie') nice...well i gtg Fikar waitin' for me at home....

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