Friday, April 30, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 2:39 pm 1 comments

Foto sejenak ama temen2 kantor, ada jepang dudul juga tuh tiduran di bawah....
Me? the one in the white circle.....hmmm....sometime i miss my old office...

Urayamashii desu ne....

Friday, April 23, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 11:40 pm 0 comments

Why AREMANITA? (AREMANIA cewek-red).....all because i live, grow, and breath in Malang. We have The Best Supporter in this country and i proud to be one of them. Do I like football? i don`t think so, sometimes i still confuse bout the rules and the player but the most important thing is I LIKE being AREMANITA.....that`s comment!

Posted by Unknown at 10:08 pm 0 comments
My Little lovely peaceful Hometown


Ketinggian : 399 - 662,5 m. dpl.
Koordinat : 112,34'09" - 11,41'34" BT
7,54'52", 22 - 8,03'05", 11 LS
Kelembaban : Sejuk, kering ; 72 %
Suhu : 23 - 25 derajat Celcius
Curah Hujan : 1.833 mm per tahun
Batas Wilayah
Utara : Kabupaten Pasuruan
Timur : Kabupaten Lumajang
Selatan : Kabupaten Malang
Barat : Kota Batu

MALANG ailafyuuhhhhhhhhhhh.....................!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 9:46 pm 0 comments

1 Message received

"Dek lg ngapain neh, trnyt aq brgktnya ke makasar sekarang, ada perubahan jadwal"
Sender : +6281599xxxxx

comment : Very high mobility of life....some people could do it but some couldn`t. How does it feels? easy come...easy go...hhhh.....


1 Message received

"Wah kayaknya ga bisa malam ini, jadi besok pagi"
Sender : +6281599xxxxx

comment : See? what i told you!
--end of conversation--

Sore tadi dengerin HARDROCK FM- Drive and Jive ternyata ngomongin masalah weblog, dan sepertinya komunitas blogger di indonesia bakal menjamur...yeah paling enggak komunitas para blogger nggak cuma ada di kota2 tertentu ajah tapi tersebar di seluruh Indonesia (i hope)...hopefully...

Posted by Unknown at 4:57 am 0 comments

Try to load some fav pics....

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 12:41 am 0 comments
Nyoba pake Wbloggar ternyata enak juga yah, di jaman yg serba instant bikin weblog pun instant juga! mayan lah buat newbie like me....thanks to vivin who teach me this new `game`....
Hang out with Vivin for 2 days, like usually we share and share and share about life and love....almost quarter of a century but i think i don`t get anything yet, have to learn from another, make some experience, try to solve my own problem....seperti kata iklan "TUA itu pasti, tapi DEWASA itu pilihan" setujuuuuu banggettttt.......

"I Feared Life Until I Experienced it`s Beauty" jumat kemaren dapat panggilan lagi dr indosat, well...antara percaya ga percaya gitu deh (kyk reality show ajah)

*private number* on my mobile (where`s the love-BEP ringtone)
someone : "Selamat siang...dengan Suci?"
me : "ya betul, dari mana?"
someone : "Indosat Mega Media, hari jumat tgl 16 besok ada interview jam 08:00 di kantor Indosat jalan kayun lt. 4"
me : " saya bicara dengan ibu siapa?"
someone " Rini"
me : " Ok, terima kasih Ibu Rini"

Friday 16 april 2004 07:00 sharp arrived at Indosat`s office
08:15 Receptionist said "Silahkan ke lantai 3"
08:17 Meeting Room at 3rd floor
Ibu Rini (yg ternyata HRD dr Indosat-jkt) give us some explanation, she told us that she need 2 person for ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE position. Job description for Account executive are...bla...bla...bla
HAH??? account executive is similar with marketing??`s so not ME!!! but at least i have to try the interview
08:30 "Suci, silahkan ke lantai 4 bertemu dengan Bpk. Cahyo"
08:35 ...........
08:40 ...........
08:45 ...........
09:00 "I`ll call you next week for the result" Mrs (or Ms?) Rini said to me.....well such a nice person, that what HRD staff should behave, i give her my thumb, both thumbs

waiting and waiting......God....when do i get another job? please.....give me ONE BETTER JOB.....

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 12:31 am 0 comments
Yay....have a new nick name SUCI cute....Asbjorn-the norwegian guy i told before- give me that name, don`t know where he gets from maybe it just easy to say like tiny winy, tutty fruty, hunny bunny...hmmm...just enjoy your very long holiday bro! hope u like indonesia. Asbjorn and Vivin go to Jogja while i`m here in my damn office...hiks...hiks...yeah u right bro, i sit here in my office and sad cause i don`t join u both go to Jogja (i miss jogja so much)
Well there`s still another time to have some vacation patient please...

Saturday, April 03, 2004

Posted by Unknown at 3:40 am 0 comments
Today`s report : Accompany Vivin meet her `elskling` (vivin`s word and i`m not really sure what does it mean)... he`s nice, talkative, funny norwegian guy.
Arrived at the airport at 9:30 am
Looking for the International Arrival`s totally crowded there...looks like a bus terminal not an airport
We go to the Hotel
Have a!
I like for being a guide in one day (or maybe just a half day) hihihihi....not a good one but i wish sometime i `ll be a good guide

Honestly i can feel it Vin... i can feel what your problem with `M*M` and `D*D`. If i were you maybe i do the same. Sometime it needs to show them that we are really a WOMAN not a GIRL anymore. As long as we know what we should and should not do, it`s not a big deal right? The main case is how to make them BELIEVE us, the way to put a TRUST on us..yeah it`s even more difficult than many final project we ever did...just keep fight for your right!! i`ll support you totally!! My mom also!! (if it helps) ;)

I Feared Rejection Until I Learned To Have Faith In Myself

1-4 of May i`m gonnal have a looong weekend....wondering which places i have to visit to spend that still April anyway...yeah save your money so you can decided which place you will go, uik! alright...alright i know it!


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